
Original wooden door furniture

Original wooden door furniture
Product description:

Daily attention

1. Do hang heavy objects on the door leaf, avoid the collision scratch of sharp objects.

2. Do open the door lock with wet hands, splash the solvent containing corrosive ingredients on the original wooden door door lock. Do use excessive force when opening turning the door lock handle. When the door lock fails to open properly, add a proper amount of pencil core foam other lubricants into the key hole for lubrication.

3. When wiping the glass, do let the detergent water penetrate into the gap of the glass bead. Do use too much force to wipe the glass. If there is a big bump after the glass is damaged, please ask professional personnel for maintenance.

4、 When the original wooden door surface stains (such as fingerprints) are removed, the toothpaste furniture special cleaning agent can be moistened with air, immediately wiped after decontamination.

5. The dust on the original wooden door can be removed by vacuum cleaner.

6. When removing the stains on the surface of the original wooden door (such as hand prints).

7. When painting walls. Avoid peeling fading of the original wood door facing materials caused by painting, which will affect the overall appearance.

8. During the construction of other types of work (such as floor installation, etc.), the construction personnel shall pay attention to avoid damaging the wooden door.

9. When the furniture enters the site, attention shall be paid to avoid the collision between the furniture the wooden door as much as possible.

10. After decoration before moving in, it is necessary to regularly ventilate block the wooden doors under direct sunlight, so as to avoid the yellow paint surface caused by direct sunlight for a long time the deformation of the wooden doors caused by excessive temperature humidity.

11. In case of the wood door paint bumping, damage, timely contact with the after-sales, manufacturer sent professionals to repair.


Previous Fine original wooden door2020-01-10

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